Starting an Antora project compatible with modular documentation

Starting an Antora project compatible with Modular Documentation.

  • Docker or Podman.

  1. Create a repository by using the Antora for Modular Docs repository template and clone the repository to your local environment, or download the Antora for Modular Docs zip archive, and use the content of this archive to start a repository. The repository has user documentation and configuration files to:

  2. Edit at least the title field in antora.yml. See What’s antora.yml? - Antora documentation.

  3. Edit at least the title, url, edit_url, output.destination.path fields in antora-playbook.yml. output.destination.path must match the <location> in the url (https://<FQDN>/<location>). See Set up a playbook - Antora documentation.

  4. Edit the repository URL in the supplemental-ui/partials/header-content.hbs file and in the IgnoreURLs list in the .htmltest.yml file.

  5. Run the preview on a local environment and verify the output on the preview server:

  6. Create an initial commit containing the result and publish to your remote Git repository.

  7. To publish the docs by using GitHub pages, enable GitHub Pages in the remote repository configuration: choose gh-pages as source branch, and root as source directory.

  8. To publish the build result for the pull requests, create a Surge token and set the SURGE_TOKEN environment variable in the remote Git repository secrets (Settings > Secrets > Actions).

    $ npx -y surge token
  1. Run preview on a local environment

  2. Navigate to the remote Git repository and watch for the changes in the Actions and Pages.